Fixing a house..

So I bought a house recently, and it's an older house, built in 1923, and while the previous owner put a lot of work into remodelling it, it still needs some work to put it in comfortable shape, as well as to get it in line with my own admittedly somewhat quirky aesthetic tastes.
I decided to start what might end up being an excruciatingly boring blog to keep track of all the various work I do on the house, as I do it. Partly to keep track of what all I've done with the house, and also to keep track of what all I still want/need to do with it..
My 'handyman' skills, as such, are really pretty limited, but I sometimes still surprise myself with what I'm able to fix & figure out on my own.. I also don't have a lot of money to spend on 'renovation' and most of this stuff will be done as much on my own as possible, which will probably test the limits of my abilities and patience..
Maybe this will help someone else with similar projects going on somehow sometime..
Anyway - I guess that's the intro to this. Now let's see if I actually end up keeping up with it.
Is that a pet door at the bottom left of the garage door?
Hah.. No, although we've taken to calling it the "chicken door".. What it is, actually, is a panel in the garage door that actually fell off one of the first times I opened the door after getting the house.
The garage is in really pretty crappy shape, which is actually pretty typical for houses in Lakewood, Ohio, to the point where Realtors here even have a nickname for them: "Lakewood Leaners"!
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